One of the first scales a guitarist learns to play is the Blues Scale. Too often, that is the last one they learn. This is a simple way to start venturing outside of that "box" pattern. I stress again, even if you don't learn theory you should learn the names of all the notes on the guitar. It will help you figure out what notes make up the scales and chords. This will speed up your creativity, taking a lot of the guess work out of things you hear in your head, or try to figure out. Look at my Guitar Lessons and Music Tips playlist for the video on learning your notes.
Enjoy. Learn. Share. @nathanfleet
Sorry for the low quality video. Made it in a rush and had low light and my laptop.
Also, a few people have asked about me being a lefty. I am not left-handed. It is easier to emulate the lesson if you are right handed. You see a mirror image.